Three Peaks Challenge for Psykiatrifonden

Created By:
Mark Newman
Collecting for:
Psykiatrifondens Årsindsamling

Three Peaks Challenge for Psykiatrifonden

The Challenge
The UK National Three Peaks Challenge is an event in which participants attempt to climb the highest mountains of England, Scotland and Wales within 24 hours. It is frequently used to raise money for charitable organisations. Walkers/runners climb each peak in turn, and are driven from the foot of one mountain to the next. The total running distance is 42km and the total ascent is 3064 metres. Total driving between mountains is approximately 10 hours. With around 30,000 attempting the Three Peaks Challenge each year, only 40% actually complete it within the 24 hour limit

The Team
The Team will be participating as private individuals in their free time. The team comprises of seven Coloplast Innovation Project Managers with six runners and one driver. As part of the training preparation most of the team trained for the Copenhagen Marathon in May this year The average age of the team is above 50 years old.

Motivation for choosing this charity:
One of our Coloplast colleagues has been dealing with a particularly difficult and personal challenge in the past years and as his close colleagues we would like to show our support. As he is a keen distance runner we feel that doing a challenge like this together with him is perhaps the most appropriate way to do that.
This is his story in his own words:
In connection with my daughter's anorexia and later diagnosis of autism, my daughter has been hospitalized several times.
First for the treatment of anorexia and later for the diagnosis of autism. During these hospitalizations, we have experienced how kind and real professional treatment teams have struggled with limited financial resources due to years of down prioritization.
This results in (too) late admission, which thus requires greater support before the patients can return to something resembling a normal life.
Just to give a simple example of the result of several years of down prioritization, the number of hospital beds for treating anorexia is so few that the patient must have had such a large weight loss that there is a risk of the organs is shutting down and thereby life-threatening. The hospital must make hard prioritization among the patients waiting for treatment/bed. The down prioritization of this area is despite the fact that anorexia is one of the deadliest diseases among young girls.

Through this charity, we hope that we can contribute to a greater focus on young people with mental health problems, so that they can get help much earlier than today.
21,350 kr.
0 Days left

Mark Newman donated 250 kr.

Recent activity

  • Mark Newman Mark Newman
    Dear Donors and supporters of our project,
    today marks the end of our collection for psykiatrifonden. Our original hope was to raise 10.000 kroner, but after reaching that goal in 24 hours we recalibrated our expectation and doubled up. It turned out that you are far more generous than we even imagined and we finally closed the account on 21.350 kroner. Your support made completing the 3 peaks challenge far more meaningful to us, especially in the low points. (Ask anyone in the team about remote road closures at 02.00 in the morning.)
    The most important thing about all this is of course that we hope that we can contribute to a greater focus on young people with mental health problems, so that they can get help much earlier than today.
    For that alone we want to thank every single one of you for your kindness.

    Have a great Summer!!
  • Peter Brandt Peter Brandt donated 500 kr.

  • Lene  Schobius Lene Schobius donated 150 kr.

    Dette er virkeligt et område der mangler anerkendelse og recurser

  • Kristoffer Hansen Kristoffer Hansen donated 500 kr.

    En desværre alt for vigtig sag. Tak for I bringer fokus på det

  • Lisbeth Voetmann Lisbeth Voetmann donated 200 kr.

  • Sabine Schneider Sabine Schneider donated 350 kr.

  • Emily Newman Emily Newman donated 200 kr.

  • Rikke Vilstrup Rikke Vilstrup donated 500 kr.

  • Jess Nicolaisen Jess Nicolaisen donated 500 kr.

    Et super godt initiativ for at supergodt formål!

  • Per Vilstrup-Clausen Per Vilstrup-Clausen donated 200 kr.

  • Lotte Bay Lotte Bay donated 200 kr.

  • Karen Louise  Krarup Karen Louise Krarup donated 300 kr.

  • Lars Fli Molzen Lars Fli Molzen donated 250 kr.

    Great initiative :)

  • Janne Falkenberg Janne Falkenberg donated 250 kr.

  • Anonymous User Anonymous User donated 1,000 kr.

  • Poul Erik Truelsen Poul Erik Truelsen donated 250 kr.

    Psykiatrien trænger til et løft!

  • Bjarne Sørensen Bjarne Sørensen donated 250 kr.

    I for for seje 💪

  • Mark Newman Mark Newman
    Dear Donors (our fund raising team members)
    Tomorrow morning we fly to Scotland to start our adventure. The clock will start on our 24 hour attempt at 17:00 Friday evening and finish at 17:00 Saturday evening. We are ready. Before we leave I would however like to thank you all once again for supporting this charity. You have all been unbelievably generous and we hope you know how grateful we all are.
    We are however racing against another deadline and that is for our donation target. We only have 11 days left!! Please reach out to anybody in your network who may see the value in supporting! It's an incredibly important charity and we are getting really close to the target now.
    With your influence and encouragement I believe we can get across both finishing lines within the target time.
    Thanks in advance for your help!!

    Alex - Michael - Jens - Niels - Jakob - Henrik - Mark
  • Mette Irene Kolte Mette Irene Kolte donated 250 kr.

  • Mette S. Truelsen Mette S. Truelsen donated 1,000 kr.

    Tak af hele mit hjerte for jeres bidrag til børn og unges fremtid. I aner ikke, hvor meget jeres støtte og opbakning betyder for os som familie.

  • Aase Brandt Aase Brandt donated 1,000 kr.

    Tak for jeres enorme indsats for børn og unge med psykiske lidelser og deres pårørende! Det er der brug for!

  • Anne Müllertz Anne Müllertz donated 250 kr.

  • Anonymous User Anonymous User donated 250 kr.

  • Anonymous User Anonymous User donated 500 kr.
